About the Foundation

Founded in 2019, the Lane Michael Birch Foundation was created to help grieving parents who are experiencing infant loss. I knew when my son Lane passed that this was not the end of his story, but rather, just the beginning. As hard as it is to keep going each day, I know that the best way to keep his spirit alive is with living vicariously through us.

Lane was the most precious little boy and was always, always so happy. He had a contagious smile and big blue eyes that you could stare into for hours. When I look at his picture now, I still can’t take my eyes away. His life was cut short far too soon.

No one expects to lose their infant, the insurmountable grief, so how are we expected to know how to keep going? This Foundation is dedicated to helping families, even if only a little bit, so grieving parents know they are not alone.

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Lane Michael Birch

October 18, 2018 - February 27, 2019