My husband and I know infant loss all too well, and all the hardships and heartbreak that accompany it. We started the Lane Michael Birch Foundation to help other families going through infant loss. We had lots of family and friends that came and checked on us, day in and day out. The first two months I could barely get myself out of bed to shower or make meals. These small things we help with make a huge difference for families during such a tragic time. Our goal is to provide these care packages for families who are navigating unimaginable grief.

Care packages include:

  • $150 dollar check for financial expenses

  • $150 Fareway Gift Card

  • Infant loss items-candle and wind chime

  • Infant loss resources-grief resources

  • Contact information for Kristin if you need someone to talk to or just listen

Updated Care Packages.jpg

“Love from Lane”